Sunday, May 30, 2010

programs on built in classes

Built-in Classes

4.1 DateTime Class

To get the dates and time we use the DateTime class. The DateTime class stores

both a full date and the full time. The two static members are Now and Today. Now

contains the date and time for the moment the call is made. Today returns the current

date. For formatting we could use d which would be the short date mm/dd/yyyy,

for example 9/24/2005 and D would be Saturday, September 24, 2005.

// myDate.cs

using System;

class myDate


public static void Main()


DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine("Date Time output: {0}",dt); // 7/29/2006 3:18:03 PM

string s = dt.ToString();

Console.WriteLine("s = " + s);

DateTime today = DateTime.Today;

Console.WriteLine("Today is: {0}",today);

Console.WriteLine("Time output: {0}:{1}:{2}",dt.Hour,dt.Minute,dt.Second);

Console.WriteLine("Date output: {0}\\{1}\\{2}",dt.Year,dt.Month,dt.Day);

DateTime m1 = DateTime.Now;

int milli1 = m1.Millisecond;

Console.WriteLine("milli1 = " + milli1);

for(uint j=0;j<10000000;j++)

{ j = j*2; j = j/2; j++; j--; }



DateTime m2 = DateTime.Now;

int milli2 = m2.Millisecond;

Console.WriteLine("milli2 = " + milli2);

int diff = milli2 - milli1;

Console.WriteLine("diff = " + diff);

// Formats

DateTime currTime = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine("d: {0:d}",currTime); // 9/24/2005

Console.WriteLine("D: {0:D}",currTime); // Saturday, September 24, 2005



4.2 Array Class

The Array class

class Array : IClonable, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList

cotains methods for manipulations of arrays. For example

int BinarySearch(Array array,object value);

int BinarySearch(Array array,int index,int length,object value);

public virtual object Clone();

void Clear(Array array,int index,int length);

void Copy(Array source,Array destination,int length);

int IndexOf(Array array,object value);

void Reverse(Array array);

void Reverse(Array array,int index,int length);

An example is

// MyArray.cs

using System;

//using System.Collections.IList;

class MyArray


public static void Main()


int[] a1 = { 669, 56, 45, 877, 123, 456, 777 };

int p1 = Array.BinarySearch(a1,877);

Console.WriteLine("p1: {0}", p1);


string[] s1 = new string[] { "aaba", "baaba", "alla", "ana" };


for(int i=0;i

{ Console.WriteLine("s1[" + i + "]=" + s1[i]); }


for(int i=0;i

{ Console.WriteLine("s1[" + i + "]=" + s1[i]); }


for(int i=0;i

{ Console.WriteLine("a1[" + i + "]=" + a1[i]); }

int j = Array.IndexOf(a1,123);

Console.WriteLine("j = " + j); // j = -1 why?



4.3 ArrayList Class

An ArrayList is used in situations where we want an array-like list, but cannot

restrict the number of elements it may contain. The method Add() adds an element

to the list. An application of the ArrayList class is given below.

// arraylist.cs

using System;

using System.Collections;

class arraylist


public static void Main(string[] arg)


ArrayList alist = new ArrayList();

foreach(string s in arg) alist.Add(s);

for(int i=0;i





Console.Write("Argument Count:{0}\n",alist.Count);

string s1 = "Xena";




ArrayList nlist = new ArrayList();

nlist = alist;

bool test = alist.Equals(nlist);


} // end main


4.4 ListDictionary Class

The ListDictionary class stores a key and a value. The method

public void Add(key,value)

adds an element to the ListDictionary. The method

void Remove(object key);

removes an element in the dictionary.

// Dictionary.cs

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Specialized;

class Dictionary


public static void Main()


ListDictionary population = new ListDictionary();




foreach(DictionaryEntry name in population)


Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}",name.Key,name.Value);



foreach(DictionaryEntry name in population)


Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}",name.Key,name.Value);



} // end Main()


4.5 Class IEnumerator

An enumerator object implements IEnumerator and IEnumerator < T >, where T

is the yield type of the iterator block. It implements System.IDisposable. Memebers

are MoveNext, Current and Dispose. The method

public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator()

returns a System.Collections.IEnumerator for the current instance.

// Enumerator.cs

using System;

using System.Collections;

public class ArrayGetEnumerator


public static void Main()


string[,] strArry = {{"1","one"}, {"2","two"}, {"3","three"}};

Console.Write("The elements of the array are: ");

IEnumerator sEnum = strArry.GetEnumerator();


Console.Write(" {0}",sEnum.Current);



4.6 Mathematics Class

The Math class is sealed. A sealed class cannot be used for inheritance. Additionally,

all the classes and data members are static, so we cannot create an object of type

Math. Instead, we use the members and methods with the class name. The Math

class also includes two constants, PI and E.

The following table shows a partial list of the Math methods.


Method Returns Argument Return

Data Type Data Type

Abs(x) Absolute value of x Overloaded Return matches

argument type

Atan(x) Angle in Radians Double Double

whose tangent is x

Cos(x) Cosine of x where x Double Double

is in radians

Exp(x) Value of e raised Double Double

to the power of x

Log(x) Natural log of x, Double Double

where x >= 0

Max(x1, x2) Larger of the two Overloaded Return matches

arguments argument type

Min(x1, x2) Smaller of the two Overloaded Return matches

arguments argument type

Pow(x1, x2) Value of x1 raised Double Double

to the power of x2

Round(x, y) Value of x rounded Overloaded Return matches

to y decimal places

Sin(x) Sine of x where x Double Double

is in radians

Sqrt(x) Square root of x Double Double

where x <= 0

Tan(x) Tangent of x where Double Double

x is in radians

For example, to round a double to 2 significant digits:

double x = 3.1415;

double xr = Math.Round(x,2);

// distance.cs

using System;

class Distance


public static void Main()


double r = 6371.0;

double alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, temp, theta, distance;

char dir;

string source, dest, line;

Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the source: ");

source = Console.ReadLine();


Console.WriteLine("Enter the latitude of {0}: ", source);

Console.WriteLine("degrees: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

beta1 = (double) System.Convert.ToInt32(line);

Console.WriteLine("minutes: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

temp = (double) System.Convert.ToInt32(line);

beta1 += temp/60.0;

Console.WriteLine("N/S: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

dir = line[0];

if(dir == ’S’

dir == ’s’) beta1 = -beta1;

Console.WriteLine("Enter the longitude of {0}: ",source);

Console.WriteLine("degrees: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

alpha1 = (double) System.Convert.ToInt32(line);

Console.WriteLine("minutes: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

temp = (double) System.Convert.ToInt32(line);

alpha1 += temp/60.0;

Console.WriteLine("W/E: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

dir = line[0];

if(dir == ’E’

dir == ’e’) alpha1 = -alpha1;

Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the destination: ");

dest = Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("Enter the latitude of {0}: ",dest);

Console.WriteLine("degrees: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

beta2 = (double) System.Convert.ToInt32(line);

Console.WriteLine("minutes: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

temp = (double) System.Convert.ToInt32(line);

beta2 += temp/60.0;

Console.WriteLine("N/S: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

dir = line[0];

if(dir == ’S’

dir == ’s’) beta2 = -beta2;

Console.WriteLine("Enter the longitude of {0}: ",dest);

Console.WriteLine("degrees: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

alpha2 = (double) System.Convert.ToInt32(line);

Console.WriteLine("minutes: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

temp = (double) System.Convert.ToInt32(line);


alpha2 += temp/60.0;

Console.WriteLine("W/E: ");

line = Console.ReadLine();

dir = line[0];

if(dir == ’E’

dir == ’e’) alpha2 = -alpha2;

alpha1 *= Math.PI/180.0; alpha2 *= Math.PI/180.0;

beta1 *= Math.PI/180.0; beta2 *= Math.PI/180.0;

temp = Math.Cos(beta1)*Math.Cos(beta2)*Math.Cos(alpha1-alpha2)

+ Math.Sin(beta1)*Math.Sin(beta2);

theta = Math.Acos(temp);

distance = r*theta;

Console.WriteLine("The distance between {0} and {1} is {2} km",




4.7 Random Class

The next program shows an application of the Random class.

// random.cs

using System;

class LearnRandom


public static void Main()


Random r = new Random();

Console.WriteLine("Random sequence(no seed,limit");


for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

Console.WriteLine("random no: {0}",r.Next());

Console.WriteLine("Random sequence(no seed,limit 0..10)");

for(int i = 0;i<10;i++)

Console.WriteLine("random no: {0}",r.Next(10));

Console.WriteLine("Random sequence(no seed,limit 50..100)");

for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

Console.WriteLine("random no: {0}",r.Next(50,100));

Console.WriteLine("Random sequence(no seed, limit 0..1)");

for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

Console.WriteLine("random no: {0}",r.NextDouble());

Console.WriteLine("Random sequence in byte array(no seed,limit 0..1)");

byte[] b = new byte[5];



for(int i=0;i

Console.WriteLine("random byte: {0}",b[i]);



4.8 Point Classes

The Point structure represents an ordered pair xy of integers. The PointF structure

represents an ordered pair of floating point x- and y- coordinates that define a point

in a two-dimensional plane.

// pointt.cs

using System;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Drawing;

class PointTest


public static void Main()


Point p = new Point(23,13);

Console.WriteLine("Our Point is: " + p);

int xcoord = p.X;

int ycoord = p.Y;

Console.WriteLine("The x coordinate is " + xcoord);

Console.WriteLine("The y coordinate is " + ycoord);

Point q = new Point(xcoord,ycoord);

bool b = p.Equals(q);

Console.WriteLine(" the points are equal: " + b);

PointF pF = new PointF((float)23.3333,(float)13.666666666667);

Console.WriteLine("Our Point is: " + pF);

float xcoordF = pF.X;

float ycoordF = pF.Y;

Console.WriteLine("The x coordinate is " + xcoordF);

Console.WriteLine("The y coordinate is " + ycoordF);

PointF qF = new PointF(xcoordF,ycoordF);

b = pF.Equals(qF);

Console.WriteLine(" the points are equal: " + b);




4.9 Class BitArray

For dealing with bit string we use the class BitArray, where 1 is identified with

true and 0 is identified with false. The constructor

BitArray a = new BitArray(16);

sets all elements to false.

// BitArrayTest.cs

using System;

using System.Collections;

public class BitArrayTest


static void Main()


BitArray a = new BitArray(16);

BitArray b = new BitArray(16);

a[3] = a[4] = a[5] = true;

b[4] = b[5] = b[6] = true;

BitArray c = a.And(b);

Console.WriteLine("Bitarray c");

int i;

for(i=0;i<16; i++)



BitArray d = (BitArray) c.Clone();

Console.WriteLine("Clone c into d");



BitArray e = a.Not();

Console.WriteLine("Not a");


Console.WriteLine("e[" + i + "]=" + e[i]);




Console.WriteLine("f[" + i + "]=" + a[i]);


BitArray g = d.Not();


Console.WriteLine("g[" + i + "]=" + g[i]);

BitArray f = d.Xor(g);

Console.WriteLine("Xor d to get f");


Console.WriteLine("f[" + i + "]=" + f[i]);



4.10 Object Class

The Object class supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and

provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate superclass of all

classes in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy. The C# syntax



public class Object

Public static (non-instance) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations.

Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe. Languages typically

do not require a class to declare inheeritance from Object since the inheritance is


Since all classes in the .NET Framework are derived from Object, every method

defined in the Object class is available in all objects in the system. Derived classes

can and do override some of these methods, including

Object.Equals - support comparisons between objects

Object.Finalize - performs cleanup operations before an object is

automatically reclaimed

Object.GetHashCode - generates a number corresponding to the value

of the object to support the use of a hash table

Object.ToString - manufactures a human-readable text that describes

an instance of the class

The default constructor is called by derived class constructors to initialize state in

this type. Initializes a new instance of the Object class.

The method GetHashCode() serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable

for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.


The method GetType() gets the type of the current instance.

The following code compares the current instance with another object.

// object1.cs

using System;

public class object1


public static void Main()


Object obj1 = new Object();

Object obj2 = new Object();

Console.WriteLine(obj1.Equals(obj2)); // => false

obj2 = obj1;

Console.WriteLine(obj1.Equals(obj2)); // => true



The following example shows a Point class that overrides the Object.Equals()

method to provide value equality and a class Point3D, which is derived from the

Point class. The Object.Equals() method uses Object.GetType() to determine

whether the run-time types of the two objects are identical.

// object2.cs

using System;

class Point : Object


protected int x, y;

public Point() { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; }

public Point(int X,int Y)

{ this.x = X; this.y = Y; }

public override bool Equals(Object obj)

{ // check for null and compare run-time types

if(obj == null

GetType() != obj.GetType()) return false;

Point p = (Point) obj;

return (x == p.x) && (y == p.y);



public override int GetHashCode()

{ return x^y; } // ^ XOR operation

} // end class Point

class Point3D : Point


int z;

public Point3D(int X,int Y,int Z)


this.x = X; this.y = Y; this.z = Z;


public override bool Equals(Object obj)

{ return base.Equals(obj) && z == ((Point3D) obj).z; }

public override int GetHashCode()

{ return base.GetHashCode() ^ z; }

} // end class Point3D

public class object1


public static void Main()


Point p1 = new Point(5,7);

Point p2 = new Point(6,8);

bool b1 = p1.Equals(p2);

Console.WriteLine("b1 = " + b1);

int h1 = p1.GetHashCode();

Console.WriteLine("h1 = " + h1);

Point3D p3 = new Point3D(5,6,9);

Point3D p4 = new Point3D(5,6,9);

bool b2 = p3.Equals(p4);

Console.WriteLine("b2 = " + b2);

int h2 = p3.GetHashCode();

Console.WriteLine("h2 = " + h2);



The method

protected object MemberwiseClone();


creates a shallow copy of the current object, i.e. it returns a shallow copy of the

current object. The following code shows how to copy an instance of a class using


// object3.cs

using System;

class MyBaseClass


public static string CompanyName = "KXK";

public int age;

public string name;


class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass


public static void Main()


// create an instance of MyDerivedClass and assign values

// to its fields

MyDerivedClass m1 = new MyDerivedClass();

m1.age = 42; = "John";

// performs a shallow copy of m1 and assign it to m2

MyDerivedClass m2 = (MyDerivedClass) m1.MemberwiseClone();

Console.WriteLine("age = " + m2.age);

Console.WriteLine("name = " +;



4.11 Environment Class

The Environment class provides information about, and means to manipulate, the

current environment and platform. The class is sealed, i.e. it cannot be inherited.

Version gets a Version object that describes the major, minor, build, and revision

numbers of the common language runtime. CommandLine provides the command line

for this process. CurrentDirectory provides the directory from which this process

starts. ExitCode gets or sets the exit code of the process. StackTrace provides current

stack trace information. SystemDirectory provides as string the fully qualified

path of the system directory. TickCount provides the number of milliseconds the

time passed since the system started. The method GetCommandLineArgs() returns

a string array containing the command line arguments of the current process. The


method Exit() terminates this process and gives the underlying operating system

the specified exit code. The class also contain the methods ToString and Equals.

// enviro.cs

using System;

class MyEnviro


public static void Main()


object ver = Environment.Version;

Console.WriteLine("ver = " + ver); // 2.0.50727.312

string com = Environment.CommandLine;

Console.WriteLine("com = " + com); // enviro

string cd = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

Console.WriteLine("cd = " + cd); // C:\csharp

int ex = Environment.ExitCode;

Console.WriteLine("ex = " + ex); // 0

string st = Environment.StackTrace;

Console.WriteLine("st = " + st); // at System.Environment ....

... at MyEnviro.Main()

string sd = Environment.SystemDirectory;

Console.WriteLine("sd = " + sd); // C:\Windows\System32

int t = Environment.TickCount;

Console.WriteLine("t = " + t); // 300223

string[] comline = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

Console.WriteLine("comline = " + comline); // System.String[]

int i = 7;

int x = 15/2;

if(x==i) Environment.Exit(0); // true

Console.WriteLine("did we reach this point?");



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